While the City Sleeps + Giveaway

Katherine Schneider’s workaday life as a dentist in 1913 New York is upended when a patient reveals details of a deadly plot while under the influence of laughing gas. As she is plunged into danger, she seeks help from the dashing Lieutenant Jonathan Birch, a police officer she has long admired from afar.

Jonathan has harbored powerful feelings toward Katherine for years but never acted on them, knowing his dark history is something she could never abide. Now, with her safety on the line, he works alongside her through the nights as they unravel the criminal conspiracy that threatens her. And throughout it all, Jonathan fears what will happen should Katherine ever learn his deepest secrets.

Join award-winning author Elizabeth Camden for a sweeping and romantic adventure of dangerous secrets and wounded hearts fighting to overcome the darkness while the rest of the city sleeps.

My Review:

Intriguing characters and plot. Jonathan’s backstory in particular was — whoa — unexpected. And the historical details on the inner workings of turn of the century New York City were so interesting! A brilliant backdrop for the mystery.

True Confession: I abhor dentists. Oh, I’m sure they are lovely people when they are not wielding instruments of torture but…shudder. Visiting the dentist is at the top of my ‘procrastinate as long as possible’ list so, I was reluctant to read this book at first, the heroine being a (whimper) dentist and all. But then my library got a copy and I found myself checking it out, though I’ll admit the poor dear languished on the TBR pile for a week or two, okay, nearly three. But then I devoured it in a day and not only because I was chasing down the due date! I was riveted…

Even though the opening scene occurs in a dentist’s office with Dr. Katherine Schneider in the middle of gruesome dental procedure. But oh my, what a clever way to hint at clues that become the foundation to uncovering a lethal criminal conspiracy.

And I can’t say a whole lot more than that without posting spoilers but this is definitely the kind of story a reader can lose herself in. From the sometimes astonishing historical details (be sure to read the author’s note at the end) to the desperate search for the mastermind behind a deadly plot — well, I was hooked. With Katherine and Jonathan’s romance adding another level of angst to the plot. Camden makes them work for their happily ever after which makes it all the more satisfying when we reach the end!

‘While the City Sleeps’ is the first book in the ‘Women of Midtown’ series and I can’t wait to see what the author has in store of us in the next book! Can’t come out soon enough for me (especially since it likely won’t include any dentists as MCs Bwahahaha!)

41 thoughts on “While the City Sleeps + Giveaway”

  1. Oh, I’ve been wanting to read this one and haven’t yet. I always enjoy reading an Elizabeth Camden book.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Same here but I’m terrified of dentist. Childhood trama. BP shoots up to 200/100 about. Won’t go unless i really have to. Book sounds fantastic. cheetahthecat1982ATgmailDOTcom

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love how Elizabeth Camden always has the most interesting and creative occupations for women in historical novels–almost always outside of the norm! They’re always so creative!

    rdalquist AT gmail DOT com

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  4. The cover on “While the City Sleeps” would immediately draw me to this book. Add to that the books description and then your wonderful review have this book on my TBR list. Sounds like an awesome book and a great way to start a new series.

    Thank you for the wonderful chance to win a copy!

    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Kav, this one is on my want-to-read list and your review has me more intrigued now 🙂 Count me in, please!

    ckbarker at gmail dot com

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  6. She always comes up with some different, original, or even somewhat quirky tales. Dental office is far from the typical story setting! Always good reads! You enjoyed it even though you were cringing, picturing that dental chair. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I loved this book by Elizabeth Camden, my first by this author. I’ve added her previous books to my TBR list and also look forward to the next one in this series. I appreciate my library so very much, but I’d love a copy for my keeper shelf!

    Sandyavery at comcast dot net

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’ve loved books in the past by Elizabeth and I certainly need to catch up with her writing. I love books you can get lost in, don’t you? 😊

    teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I HATE the dentist as well! But would be happy to read about someone else in the dental chair. haha

    dianemestrella at gmial dot com

    Liked by 1 person

  10. i haven’t seen many books with a dentist as a profession. I love historical fiction this was sounds interesting. Thanks for the chance.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. it’s always fun to start a new series!

    i’ve never had a big issues with dentist, but I know a lot of people do.


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