2024 Carol Awards Finalists – Contemporary + Giveaway

Photo by Rahul Pandit on Pexels.com

First off — what exactly are the Carol Awards?

They are awards given out by American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) in recognition of outstanding Christian fiction in the previous calendar year. So these 2024 finalists are books published in 2023. You might have read them already, you might not. I’ll include links to books I’ve read and reviewed.

Carol Award Winners will be announced on September 7 2024 at the ACFW Gala in New Orleans, Louisiana (wouldn’t you love to be there?!)

How does this giveaway work?

You select which of the Carol Award finalists 2024 —Contemporary Category you would like to receive. Mention the title in your comment (or an email if you’re entering that way) and if you win, that’s the book that will be sent to you. Easy Peasy. 

Contemporary Finalists:

A Million Little Choices by Tamera Alexander – Tyndale House – Editor: Jerry Jenkins — winner’s choice of paperback or ebook (or audible for Canada)

Sometimes secrets just won’t stay hidden . . .Claire Powell’s life is turned upside down when her beloved husband admits to a “near affair.” But when Stephen accepts a partnership with an Atlanta law firm without consulting her and buys a historic Southern home sight-unseen—it pushes their already-fractured marriage to the breaking point. Claire’s world spirals, and she soon finds herself in a marriage she no longer wants, in a house she never asked for.

In 1863, Charlotte Thursmann, pregnant and trapped in a marriage to an abusive husband, struggles to protect her unborn child and the enslaved members of her household. Desperate, she’s determined to right the evils her husband and others like him commit. But how can one woman put an end to such injustice? Especially if her husband makes good on his threat to kill her?

Both Claire and Charlotte discover truths about themselves they never realized, along with secrets long hidden that hold the power to bring God’s restoration—if only they choose to let it.

He Should Have Told the Bees by Amanda Cox –– Revell — Editors: Kelsey Bowen and Robin Turici — winner’s choice of paperback or ebook (or audible for Canada)

Beekeeper Beckett Walsh is living her dream, working alongside her father in their apiary, until his untimely death sends her world into a tailspin. She suddenly finds she must deal with a new part owner of the family business–one who is looking to sell the property. Beck cannot fathom why her father would put her into the position to lose everything they built together.

When Callie Peterson is named in the trust of a man she’s never heard of, she’s not sure what to do. Her fledgling business has just taken wing and her mother has reentered her life asking for help getting into rehab for her lifelong substance abuse issues, making Callie’s financial situation rather . . . precarious. She’s sure she has no right to someone else’s farm, but the money from the sale could solve her problems and give her the stability she’s always craved.

As these two women navigate their present conundrum, they will discover a complex and entangled past full of secrets–and the potential for a brighter future for both of them.

The Wind Blows in Sleeping Grass by Katie Powner –– Bethany House — Editor: Rochelle Gloege — winner’s choice of paperback or ebook (or audible for Canada)

After years of drifting, fifty-year-old Pete Ryman has settled down with his potbellied pig, Pearl, in the small town of Sleeping Grass–a place he never expected to see again. It’s not the life he dreamed of, but there aren’t many prospects for a high school dropout like him.

Elderly widow Wilma Jacobsen carries a burden of guilt over her part in events that led to Pete leaving Sleeping Grass decades ago. Now that he’s back, she’s been praying for the chance to make things right, but she never expected God’s answer to leave her flat on her face–literally–and up to her ears in meddling.

When the younger sister Pete was separated from as a child shows up in Sleeping Grass with her eleven-year-old son, Pete is forced to face a past he buried long ago, and Wilma discovers her long-awaited chance at redemption may come at a higher cost than she’s willing to pay.

Set in northern Montana along the rugged and remote Hi-Line, Katie Powner’s latest interweaves poignancy and humor to present a story of friendship, forgiveness, and moving forward.

47 thoughts on “2024 Carol Awards Finalists – Contemporary + Giveaway”

  1. I haven’t read any of these, but I think I’ll choose A Million Little Choices by Tamara Alexander.

    whthomas13 at yahoo dot com

    Liked by 1 person

  2. If I were fortunate enough to be selected, I would love the opportunity to read and review A MILLION LITTLE CHOICES by Tamera Alexander. Love this author’s books and this one sounds amazing.

    Thank you for the chance to win a paperback copy!

    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Good morning, Kav! I would love to be able to attend the ACFW Gala, but enjoy watching the livestream every year on FB! I totally loved reading A Million Little Pieces! Tamera Alexander did such a fabulous job on her 1st dual-timeline. I typically don’t reread books bc there’s little enough time to read all that are on my wishlist, but this is one I plan to read again! Don’t enter me. Just stopped by to say, “hi.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The livestream is a fun alternative but it would be awesome to be right in the middle of things! High praise indeed if you count it as re-readable! Hope your next read is just as enthralling!


      1. Oopsie! I just realized I put the wrong title on A Million Little Choices! I guess bc it left my heart in a million little pieces! 😥


      2. There is a song called A Million Little Pieces, but I don’t like it. lol Maybe because we use the expression a million little pieces more than a million little choices? 🤔

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  4. I’ve read A Million Little Choices and He Should Have Told the Bees and they were both really really good. I have The Wind Blows in Sleeping Grass on my TBR list so that’s my pick. If it’s as good as the other nominees it will be a great read!

    Thanks, Sandy Sandyavery at comcast dot net

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  5. The Wind Blows in Sleeping Grass sounds interesting and maybe a touch different from the usual run of the mill character ages and story. I read the Alexander book through library loan but not seeking chance to have for keeper shelf. Thanks!

    Since today is Memorial Day, it is a very reflective time to honor and remember those families who sacrificed.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The Wind Blows in Sweeping Grass is the one I choose as I have the other two. I have this on my wish list. Blessings leliamae54(at)aol(dot)com

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  7. I’d love to win The Wind Blows in Sleeping Grass. It’s the only one of the three that I haven’t yet read. I think it would be very tough to choose a winner in this category.


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  8. I’ve read “He Should Have Told the Bees” (my first by Amanda Cox) and it is incredible! A definite page turner. This will be a tough choice for the judges, I think.

    My choice for the giveaway is “The Wind Blows in Sleeping Grass”….another new-to-me author. It sounds like an emotionally satisfying story!

    teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com

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  9. I have the first two so I’d love the Katie Powner novel! Tamera’s is phenomenal! It’s well-narrated by one of the best. I have the paperback of Amanda’s and have yet to read it but I definitely will!

    Thanks, Kav!

    Tammy – obertam at gmail dot com

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course, I had to go and listen to a sample of A Million Little Choices and you’re right — I’ve listened to Erin Bennett’s narrations before. Excellent. Good luck, Tammy!


  10. Yay for the Carol Award Finalists giveaway, Kav! 🙂 I’ve already read Katie Powner’s book and loved it so please put me down for He Should Have Told the Bees by Amanda Cox. That one’s on my want-to-read list 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. A Million Little Choices would be my pick since I’ve been fortunate enough to read the other two. The storyline is definitely compelling! Thank you for doing this fun giveaway.

    Liked by 1 person

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