Bag of Bones

Does one good turn deserve a murder?

Despite all her good intentions to focus on a healthy lifestyle and leave crime solving to the professionals, Andi Grace Scott has run right smack into another investigation–literally. Who’d have thought caring for stray cats and a healthy morning beach run could lead to murder?

Andi Grace has found another body and a young woman who needs help. Solving this puzzle will come with a cost. This time, catching the killer will require Andi Grace to confront her past relationships and truths about her deceased mother.

My Review:

This Low Country Dog Walker series is fabulous! Definitely should be read in order for the progression of Andi Grace’s backstory as well as relationship developments — including secondary characters. I love Andi Grace and her crew and this small island town. Feels like a beach getaway every read.

But this time there’s a body on the beach and Andi Grace is on the case. Bwahaha! She just can’t help herself. Some might call her nosy, but I like to think of her as having a curious mind. You know what they say about curiosity though…and there are some tense moments when Andi Grace is in serious danger before this mystery is solved.

Luckily she is on good terms with law enforcement in the area (more or less) and her protective boyfriend tries to keep an eye out for her (try being the operative word.) Because Andi Grace is tenacious and once she is focused on a puzzle she is relentless. I figured out parts of the mystery but not all so there was one gasp-out loud moment for me towards the end. Love when that happens.

There’s some lovely, light romance including a very swoonworthy ending that had me all twitterpated! I’m so grateful that the first three books in this series are available in audio format now. I’m really enjoying Meg Price’s narration. Hoping the rest of the series will follow — otherwise I’ll need to hunt them down in paperback ’cause I need more Andi Grace and company!

6 thoughts on “Bag of Bones”

  1. Not sure that I’ve ever read a book by this author. If so, it was so far back my memory of it has left me. However, BAG OF BONES sounds amazing! Definitely one I will investigate after reading your review. Thank you for bring it to our attention.

    2clowns at arkansas dot net


  2. Enjoyed the review! I am catching up on bookish news overall and was just reading the list of the Carol Award Finalists for this year. Some interesting books, including several discussed on the blog……one of the debut books I particularly remember.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can’t believe how many Carol Award finalists I haven’t read yet! Might focus what I borrow from my library over the summer. šŸ™‚ We start the Carol Award finalists giveaway next week which is all kinds of exciting. Happy Reading, CC!


  3. Good morning, Kav. This one looks like one I’d enjoy. I think I will make an effort to get the series. Thanks for the enticing review! I hope you have a nice week-end.

    Blessings, Kay

    Liked by 1 person

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