June Giveaway – Week Four

Carol Award Semi-Finalists 2023 – Historical Fiction + Giveaway

First off — what exactly are the Carol Awards?

They are awards given out by American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) in recognition of outstanding Christian fiction in the previous calendar year. So these 2023 finalists are books published in 2022. You might have read them already, you might not. I’ll include links to books I’ve read and reviewed.

How does this giveaway work?

You select which of the Carol Award finalists 2023 — Historical Fiction Category you would like to receive. Mention the title in your comment (or an email if you’re entering that way) and if you win, that’s the book that will be sent to you. Easy Peasy.

Of Note: In past years, ACFW has announced the three finalists of each category in June and then the winners during their annual Writer’s Conference in late August/early September. This year they’ve switched it up and have announced seven semi-finalists in each category which will be whittled down to three finalists the first day of the conference at the end of August and then the winners in each category will be announced on the final day of the conference. So., with only two days in between the finalist announcements and the winner announcements, we’re going to have to go with wading through the seven semi-finalists so these weekly giveaways are going to be lengthy. Sorry about that. And now here are the Historical Fiction Semi-Finalists.

The Hidden Prince by Tessa Afshar; Tyndale House paperback or ebook giveaway —

The beloved daughter of Jewish captives in Babylon, Keren is sold into Daniel’s household to help her family survive. She becomes Daniel’s most trusted scribe, while taking lessons and swordsmanship training alongside Daniel’s sons and their best friend, Jared.

But after a tragic accident changes the course of her life, Keren finds herself in a foreign country, charged with a mysterious task: teaching a shepherd boy how to become a lord. When she overhears whispers that hint at his true identity, she realizes she must protect him from the schemes of a bloodthirsty king.

Jared cannot forgive Keren. Still, he finds himself traveling over mountains to fetch her back to the safety of home. When he discovers the secret identity of Keren’s pupil, Jared knows he must help protect him. Love battles bitterness as they flee from the king’s agents, trying to save the boy who could one day deliver their people from captivity.

When Stone Wings Fly by Karen Barnett; Kregel Publications — paperback or ebook giveaway —
Kieran Lucas’s grandmother is slipping into dementia, and, when her memory is gone, Kieran’s last tie to the family she barely knows will be lost forever. Worse, Granny Mac is being tormented by flashbacks of her mother’s death and the loss of their home.

In 1931, Rosie McCauley’s Smoky Mountains home is threatened by the Tennessee Great Smokies Park Commission as they create a new national park. But Rosie vows the only way they’ll get her land is if they haul her out in a pine box. When a compromise offers her and her disabled sister the opportunity to stay for her lifetime, it seems too good to be true.

Ornithologist Benton Fuller arrives to conduct a bird survey for the park and the two form a tenuous bond. But their friendship broadens a rift between her and the other mountain folk who are suspicious of any government connections. Then the discovery of an illegal still in the woods near her cabin leads to a violent clash between sides that could destroy them all.

Eighty-five years later, Kieran heads back to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park to find answers to her great-grandmother’s mysterious death and bring peace to Granny Mac before it’s too late. Park Historian Zach Jensen may be the key to locating both the answers and a precious family heirloom. But just as in the past, Kieran’s needs clash with government regulations. Will Zach block her from recovering what she needs and solving this family mystery?

Read and Reviewed: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4826547161

The Winter Rose by Melanie Dobson; Tyndale House — paperback or ebook giveaway —

In this gripping split-time novel, Grace Tonquin is an American Quaker woman who works tirelessly in Vichy France to rescue Jewish children from the Nazis. After crossing the treacherous Pyrénées, Grace returns home to Oregon with a brother and sister whose parents were lost during the war. Though Grace and her husband love Élias and Marguerite as their own, echoes of Grace’s past and trauma from the Holocaust tear the Tonquin family apart.

More than fifty years after they disappear, Addie Hoult arrives at Tonquin Lake, hoping to find the Tonquin family. For Addie, the mystery is a matter of life and death for her beloved mentor Charlie, who is battling a genetic disease. Though Charlie refuses to discuss his ties to the elusive Tonquins, finding them is the only way to save his life and mend the wounds from his broken past.

Read and Reviewed: https://bestreads-kav.blogspot.com/2022/01/the-winter-rose.html

When the Meadow Blooms by Ann H. Gabhart; Revell (Baker Publishing Group) — paperback or ebook giveaway —

Widow Rose Meadows eagerly accepts her brother-in-law’s offer for her and her two daughters to live on his farm after her treatments in a sanatorium finds them needing a home. But is this scarred and reclusive man ready for all the changes these women will bring to his life?

Not By Sight : a novel of the patriarchs by Elizabeth Jacobson; WordCrafts Press — ebook giveaway

What could make a man turn to God when every event in his life screams that God has turned his back on him?

Joseph, the eleventh son of the patriarch Jacob, had his father’s favor, and that was his downfall. Sold into Egypt by his enraged and jealous brothers, Joseph is left with nothing to cling to except the stories of his father’s God, a seemingly remote and unreachable figure. Faith may prove futile, but Joseph is desperate – for the very hate that enslaved his brothers has begun to overtake him.

The Lost Melody by Joanna Davidson Politano; Revell (Baker Publishing Group) –– paperback or ebook giveaway

When concert pianist Vivienne Mourdant’s father dies, he leaves to her the care of an adult ward she knew nothing about. The woman is supposedly a patient at Hurstwell Asylum. The woman’s portrait is shockingly familiar to Vivienne, so when the asylum claims she was never a patient there, Vivienne is compelled to discover what happened to the figure she remembers from childhood dreams.

The longer she lingers in the deep shadows and forgotten towers at Hurstwell, the fuzzier the line between sanity and madness becomes. She hears music no one else does, receives strange missives with rose petals between the pages, and untangles far more than is safe for her to know. But can she uncover the truth about the mysterious woman she seeks? And is there anyone at Hurstwell she can trust with her suspicions?

Fan-favorite Joanna Davidson Politano casts a delightful spell with this lyrical look into the nature of women’s independence and artistic expression during the Victorian era–and now.

Read and Reviewed: https://bestreads-kav.blogspot.com/2022/11/the-lost-melody.html

Shadows in the Mind’s Eye by Janyre Lyn Tromp; Kregel Publications — ebook giveaway —

Charlotte Anne Mattas longs to turn back the clock. Before her husband, Sam, went to serve his country in the war, he was the man everyone could rely on–responsible, intelligent, and loving. But the person who’s come back to their family farm is very different from the protector Annie remembers. Sam’s experience in the Pacific theater has left him broken in ways no one can understand–but that everyone is learning to fear.

Tongues start wagging after Sam nearly kills his own brother. Now when he claims to have seen men on the mountain when no one else has seen them, Annie isn’t the only one questioning his sanity and her safety. If there were criminals haunting the hills, there should be evidence beyond his claims. Is he really seeing what he says, or is his war-tortured mind conjuring ghosts?

Annie desperately wants to believe her husband. But between his irrational choices and his nightmares leaking into the daytime, she’s terrified he’s going mad. Can she trust God to heal Sam’s mental wounds–or will sticking by him mean keeping her marriage at the cost of her own life?

Debut novelist Janyre Tromp delivers a deliciously eerie, Hitchcockian story filled with love and suspense. Readers of psychological thrillers and historical fiction by Jaime Jo Wright and Sarah Sundin will add Tromp to their favorite authors list.

Come Down Somewhere by Jennifer L. Wright; Tyndale House — paperback or ebook giveaway —

For fans of WWII fiction comes a powerful novel by Jennifer L. Wright about two young women coming of age during the Trinity nuclear bomb test in 1945.

Sixteen-year-old Olive Alexander has lived on a ranch in the Jornada del Muerto region of southern New Mexico her entire life. But when World War II begins, the government seizes her family’s land for the construction of a new, top secret Army post.

While her mother remains behind, Olive is forced to live in nearby Alamogordo with her grandmother and find a place in a new school. When Jo Hawthorne crosses her path, Olive sees a chance for friendship―until she learns that Jo’s father is the Army sergeant who now occupies her beloved ranch. Already angry about her new reality, Olive pushes Jo away. But as she struggles to make sense of her grandmother’s lapses into the past and increasingly unsettling hints about what’s happening at the ranch, she slowly warms to Jo’s winsome faith and steady attempts at friendship . . . until one devastating day when the sky explodes around them and their lives are torn apart.

Seven years later, Jo returns to Alamogordo, still angry and wounded by the betrayals of that fateful day. Determined to put the past behind her once and for all, Jo hunts for answers and begins to realize the truth may be far more complicated than she believed, leading her on a desperate search to find her friend before it’s too late.


Please pay attention to the book formats available for this giveaway noted after the publication info for each individual title. Ebook wins are available to anyone, anywhere who has a .com kindle account. Paperbacks are available to readers in US and Canada.

If you would like a chance to win a copy of one of these Carol Awards semi-finalists, leave a comment below or email me at kavluvstoread AT yahoo DOT ca. If you add an email to your comment, remember to use AT and DOT instead of @ and . in order to protect yourself from spammers. If you enter the draw via email, please add the title to the subject line so it’s easy to spot your entry. Draw will be held and winner announced on Saturday June 24, 2023. Good luck!

Reader’s Choice Bonus Round Giveaway

Photo by Wallace Chuck on Pexels.com

Well, wasn’t last week a whirlwind of bookish delight?! So many great books to add to our spring reading lists! Except, guess what? I found more! Extra titles that still need to be added to our TBRs. So, I thought I’d list them here (with very brief descriptions — usually just a tag line unless the blurb was really short) and for this giveaway you can pick one book. Add it in a comment (or in an email, kavluvstoread AT yahoo DOT ca) and if your name is drawn, that’s the book you’ll win. So, yeehaw, let’s get started on this

Reader’s Choice Bonus Round Giveaway

Memories of the Heart by Valerie M. Bodden : A series of heartbreaking losses have left Simeon and Abigail’s marriage in shambles. But can God rebuild it even stronger than they remember? (indie; April 25)

Holding Onto Hope by Janet W. Ferguson : A fun road trip romance to the Grand Tetons. Always the wedding planner, never the bride. (indie; April 1)

The Beach Reads Bookshop by Lee Tobin McClain : Running a bookshop on a quaint Chesepeake island is exactly the life Deena Clarke would have chosen for herself — but helping billionaire businessman Luis Dominguez figure out fatherhood is part of the package. Can bonding over books and one little girl help them open their hearts to each other? (HQN; April 25, Hometown Brothers;3)

Shadow Dancing by Jennifer Sienes : Wading through grief is like dancing with shadows….When you’re dancing with shadows who gets to lead? (Celebrate Lit Publishing; April 18, Bedford County;2)

Loving Lydia by Susan Pope Swan : Two Southerners thrown together by the Union army. He’s on a quest for vengeance. She’s determined to preserve her family. (Wild Heart Books; April 25, Rescued Hearts of the Civil War;2)

The Title Wave by Chautona Havig : All he wants to do is help people, but local women want to help themselves…to him! (Celebrate Lit Publishing; April 25; Sumalie Islands;3 (multi-authored series)

Expired Hope by Megan Being (inspired by Lisa Phillips) : She battled every fire she ever faced. He’s risking everything for the chance to belong. (Sunrise Publishing; April 25; Last Chance Fire and Rescue ; 2)

A Green and Vibrant Hope by Valerie Comer : A small-town Christian Romance. She thinks he’s arrogant. He thinks she’s flaky. Two bad they need each other…What will it take to get them to see into each other’s hearts and grasp a green and vibrant hope? (Indie; May 6; Farm Fresh Market ; 2)

In Feast or Famine by Mesu Andrews : Thrust into an arranged marriage, the daughter of ancient Egypt’s high priest plays a pivotal role in Jospeh’s biblical narrative in this powerful novel from the award-winning author of Potiphar’s Wife. (Waterbrook; May 9; The Egyptian Chronicles ; 2)

Finding Her Frontier Home by Louise M. Gouge : A ranch out west could be the home she’s longed for. (Love Inspired Historical; May 23)

Wagon Train Baby by Rhonda Gibson : They came together for an orphaned child…will they stay together for love? (Love Inspired Historical; May 23)

Beneath a Peaceful Moon by Debby Lee : Mary’s language skills could help end the war in the Pacific. Full of intrigue, adventure, and romance, this series celebrates the unsung heroes — the heroines of WWII. (Barbour; May 31; Heroines of WWII; 10 multi authored series of standalone novels)

Love Somebody Like You by Carolyn Miller : For Lexi Franklin, returning to Trinity Lakes feels a little like running home with her tail between her legs. But what’s a girl to do when her life has been turned upside down on the other side of the world?…Jackson Reilly has his own set of troubles. Will he be able to save his ranch, and his hopes and heart, before Lexi returns to Australia? (Indie; June 27; Trinity Lake Romance ; 5)

The Lies We Believe by Lisa Harris : A gripping psychological thriller. The book blurb is way too long and there’s no tagline so I’ll give it a go. A single mother who works at home as a security analyst starts forgetting things…and then seeing things…and then her daughter disappears! The hero is a SOG team member tasked with tracking down a group of endangered children…(Indie; June 28; Shadow Stalkers ; 1)

The Courteous Cad by Catherine Palmer : On her tour of the English countryside, a chance encounter on the streets alerts Miss Prudence Watson to the inhumane working conditions at the worsted mill. She learns that the owner is William Sherbourne, a Royal Naval officer just returned from sea. Following in his wake is his reputation as a cad and a secret so ghastly he’ll do anything to protect it. Even worse, he’s handsome and charming and not at all the villain Prudence expected him to be. (Tyndall House; June 20)

One Southern Summer by Heidi McCahan : It’s her second chance summer…if she’s ready for it — in this warm and utterly irresistible Southern small-town novel. ( my input: includes three generations of strong Southern women and some grandmotherly interference. keep!) (Love Inspired Trade; June 27)

So, there you have it — lots to choose from. I know what’s caught my eye, how about you? Leave a comment below with the title you’d like to win and we’ll see what happens come Saturday. (and look at me getting fancy with my photo placements! Snicker!)

March Giveaway — Week Two

Winners will be contacted if they left their email address, otherwise it’s up to the winner to contact me at kavluvstoread AT yahoo DOT ca (please note it’s ca as in Canada, not com.) From time to time a winner and I do not connect so I have a one month time frame on giveaway wins. If I haven’t been able to reach you within 30 days of your win, it will be forfeited. This has happened a few times now, so please, DON’T BE SHY — CONTACT ME IF YOU DIDN’T LEAVE AN EMAIL OR IF I HAVEN’T BEEN SUCCESSFUL IN REACHING YOU!

Books will be ordered or mailed within a week of receiving your address (or email address for ebooks) and I’ll email you to confirm your book is on the way. 


Please read the giveaway options written in red noted under “Giveaway Opportunity” in each blog post as formats will vary.

Paperback or ebook — winner can choose either format

Paperback — I have a new physical book on hand to give away

Gently Read Paperback — It’s the actual book I read to review

ebook — that’s the only format option available, often because it’s an indie book where a paperback copy is either unavailable or exorbitantly priced. Or when a physical edition is out of print.

Beneath His Silence + Giveaway

Will seeking justice lead to her own demise?

A Gothic Style Regency Romance from a promising young author

Second daughter of a baron — and a little on the mischievous side — Ella Pemberton is no governess. But the pretence is a necessity if she ever wishes to get inside of Wychkhorn Manor and attain the truth. Exposing the man who killed her sister is all that matters.

Lord Sedgewick knows there’s blood on his hands. Lies have been conceived, then more lies but the price of truth would be too great. All he has left now is his son — and his hatred. Yet as the charming governess invades his home, his safe cocoon of bitterness begins to tear away.

Could Ella, despite the lingering questions of his guilt, fall in love with such a man? Or is she falling prey to him — just as her dead sister?

My Review:

Well, I’m gobsmacked by this debut novel! Very Jane Eyre-esque with Gothic undertones. Lots of emotional angst and high drama that peaks by the end. And so much character growth! Which is a good thing because Ella’s obsession with seeking vengeance over her sister’s death was a bit hard to take in the beginning. She is full of self-righteous indignation and preconceived assumptions based on her late father’s consuming hatred. And now she feels compelled to carry on his crusade to destroy Lord Sedgewick.

If you like brooding heroes you will definitely be drawn to poor Henry. He fits the Mr. Rochester archetype — with one major difference. Henry constantly leans into his faith. Imperfectly, maybe, because he still struggles with bitterness and unforgiveness but he never turns away from God. Very realistic and relatable.

So, Ella arrives at Wychkhorn Manor under false pretences, intent on exposing the dark truth about Lord Sedgewick. She isn’t prepared to fall in love with her young charge — the nephew she’s never met before (gah, and I wanted to know why — the family had no contact with the older sister, didn’t even attend the wedding and that was never explained. My mind is working overtime thinking up credible possibilities.) Of course, Ella is about as ungovernessy a governess as they come. She’s also opinionated and impulsive which makes for some interesting cutting-edge banter. And I do so love great banter in my Regencies!

Very much an enemies to more trope and I love the way the author developed the relationship that grows between Henry and Ella. It’s all two steps forward, one step back and full of self-doubts and erroneous assumptions. You never met two more reluctant would-be-lovers! And I enjoyed every second!

And the Manor had a character all its own. Steeped in tragedy and hiding so many secrets! I was on tenterhooks the whole read trying to piece everything together. From the closed mouth servants to Ella’s feelings of being watched, to…well, I can’t say any more without posting spoilers…but, eeeeppp, deliciously mysterious.

I listened to the audible edition of Beneath His Silence and enjoyed Anna Flosnik’s narration. Her performance enhanced the Gothic vibes and kept me riveted.


This giveaway is for a paperback or ebook copy.

If you would like a chance to win a copy of Beneath His Silence, leave a comment below or email me at kavluvstoread AT yahoo DOT ca. If you add an email to your comment, remember to use AT and DOT instead of @ and . in order to protect yourself from spammers. If you enter the draw via email, please add the title to the subject line so it’s easy to spot your entry. Draw will be held and winner announced on Saturday March 11, 2023. Offer open to International Readers.

A New Year and a New Blog

Welcome to Best Read’s new blogging home. For those of you who have been following me over the last — gasp! – twelve years — on blogger, I hope you enjoy the new digs and have patience with my extremely non-techy self as I continue to figure things out here. It’s been quite the learning curve and I have to admit that I’ve only gotten this far by happenstance so bear with me as this site will continue to change as I figure things out. Like how to add a subscribe button! And tags etc. So, we might be bare bones in these early days. But, the comments should work…hooray!

The blog’s official debut will be on Wednesday February 1, 2023 and will feature the first book review and giveaway of the year. Woohoo! Until then I’ll continue tinkering around behind the scenes and try to spruce things up a bit…once I figure out what a widget is and what the difference between categories and tags are and…

In the meantime…Happy Reading everybody!