The Best of Friends + Giveaway

Daria Mullins just accomplished the seemingly she successfully convinced her parents to grant her one final London Season. Though their concession comes with certain expectations, Daria is determined to enjoy every moment alongside her dear friends, the Huntresses, as they make their annual foray into the Marriage Mart.

Toss Comstock has no interest in marriage. His only purpose in London is to enjoy his Bachelor Season before he’s forced to follow whatever path his elder brother deems best. But his plans are quickly turned upside down when he strikes a bargain with the lovely Miss Mullins at the Debenham Ball. The longtime acquaintances discover that they share the maddening affliction of familial pressures, leading them to hatch an outlandish they will engage in a friendly competition. Whoever participates in the most activities their family would disapprove of will be crowned the winner. But amid the fun and games, Daria and Toss never imagined that true love would become the ultimate prize.

My Review:

I’m in a tilt-a-whirl swoon of epic Regency Bibliophile Delight! There’s just something about a Sarah M. Eden novel that makes me giddy with anticipation before I read it and happy sighing afterwards…though there’s a bit of melancholic woe mixed in because it’s all over. But that’s okay because I still have her backlist to tackle so I won’t be Eden-less for long!

‘The Best of Friends’ is a delightful romance between…no spoiler here…friends! We get more than a glimpse of a London Season and attend some wonderful parties — oh my, the games! We need to revive these genteel home parties. Why have they gone out of fashion?!

Love Daria and Toss together — the banter! The teasing! The tenderness! And they both have horrid families who do not have their best interests at heart. Love the central theme of being true to yourself and the encouraging friends who support them along the way.

And, happy dancing (!), those friends! You might have met one or two…or ten(!) in previous books by this author which will just add to the fun. In fact the Duke of Kielder has A MOMENT, well more than one actually, but there’s one in particular that had me in stitches. And I’m sure I enjoyed it all the more because I listened to the audible edition narrated by Luone Ingram who does the Duke’s growl so very well. 🙂

No worries if you’re not familiar with the Jonquil or Lancaster families or the Huntresses — ‘The Best of Friends’ reads brilliantly as a standalone too. Though, be forewarned, it will likely send you into a deep dive of Sarah M. Eden’s backlist. I’m heading there now!

31 thoughts on “The Best of Friends + Giveaway”

    1. My heart!!!!!! Makes me want to read Seeking Persephone all over again but I’ve read it three times now and the last time was quite recently. Still….Good luck, Melissa!


  1. I’ve started reading Sarah M. Eden’s books in the past year or so, and I love how her characters intertwine!

    eclitton at gmail dot com

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good morning, Kav! I haven’t read any books by this author, that I recall. I’d love to try this one. I hope you are having a great day. It’s starting out to be a beautiful one here.

    Blessings, Kay

    may_dayzee AT yahoo DOT com

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Me too for being a new to me author! I see quite a few of her books are available at my library so just put a hold on Seeking Persephone. Your review made me do it 🙂

    Sandyavery at comcast dot net

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  4. I’ve been wanting to read this series, love Sarah’s writing! The Lancaster family was one of my favorite set of books, and I still have to read the Jonquil series. Am putting them on my immediate TBR pile 😁 So many books, so little time, lol!

    teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com

    Liked by 1 person

  5. According to Goodreads, I’ve only read one of her books! I think I need to correct that.



  6. All I can say is WOW! “The Best of Friends” sounds amazing and definitely a book I would thoroughly enjoy having the opportunity to read. Can’t wait to dive into Daria and Toss’s story!

    Thank you for the wonderful chance to win a copy.

    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m getting behind on Sarah M. Eden’s books and would love to win this one! Thanks for the review and the chance to win!

    whthomas13 at yahoo dot com

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I have read a couple of the Jonquils a while back, which I really enjoyed – thanks to your introduction reviews. Trying to remember exactly which and what. LOL. This sounds great! Trying to catch up on everything with internet out for two days after region keeps getting hit with bad weather. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

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