One Perfect Spring + Giveaway

Claire Summers is a determined, independent single mother who is doing her best to make lemonade out of the lemons life has handed her. Keith Watson is a results-oriented workaholic with no time for a social life. As the executive assistant to a local philanthropic businessman, he’s used to fielding requests for donations. But when a letter from Claire’s eleven-year-old daughter reaches his desk, everything changes. The girl isn’t asking for money, but for help finding the long-lost son of an elderly neighbor.

As Keith digs reluctantly into this complicated assignment, he has no idea how intertwined his life and Claire’s will become–nor how one little girl’s kindhearted request will touch so many lives and reap so many blessings.

Through compelling characters and surprising plot twists, Irene Hannon offers readers this tenderhearted story of family connections that demonstrates how life is like lilacs–the biggest blooms often come only after the harshest winters.

My Review:

published in 2014

Magical. There’s something so appealing about a story that revolves around a child’s innocent request. Hannon’s ability to develop vivid characters that leap off the page make this the kind of read you want to linger over. Masterful storytelling expertly knit diverse lives together in a powerful way. It’s a thrilling plot that left me stunned by an unexpected revelation. I laughed, I cried and I worried over Claire and Keith and David and Maureen and young Haley who started it all. 

A charming tale that will linger with you long after you’ve read the last word.

22 thoughts on “One Perfect Spring + Giveaway”

  1. I love Irene Hannon! I read this one so not entering the giveaway. And even though I read it a couple of years ago this story still pops into my head every now and then, it’s so good! Sandy

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  2. Good morning, Kav–I hope you are well and enjoying the springtime. This book sounds charming. Thank you for offering a chance to win it.

    Blessings, Kay

    may_dayzee AT yahoo DOT com

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    1. Ha! We skipped spring altogether and went straight to summer. Heat and humidity — bah humbug. Though the weeds in my garden are happy so off I go to wipe the smirks off their odious little faces. Bwahahaha! Good luck, Kay!

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  3. Another great author who I need to catch up on the books that have slipped their my memory. “One Perfect Spring” sounds wonderful that I know will be purely from the author’s name. Would love the opportunity to catch up on some backlist reading.

    Thank you for the chance to win a copy!

    2clowns at arkansas dot net

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