I’ll Be Seeing You + Giveaway

Generations of secrets unfold as a young college student learns the truth about her great-grandmother’s World War II heartbreak and love.

Brianna Hastings’s life seems dull and full of disappointment until a handsome young man visits her church. She’s instantly smitten by the charming Greg, who leads an exciting, independent life—the kind of life she longs for. But when a college history assignment forces Brianna to interview her great-grandmother about life during World War II, she can’t believe it when Daisy presses her with questions about Greg’s character. “What sort of man is he? Who is he at his core?”

What could her great-grandmother possibly know about love at first sight?

The questions take both women back to Boise, Idaho, in the early 1940s, when war emphasized how fragile life could be. Daisy and her older sister pine for the same handsome bomber pilot—until one night of terrible judgment reveals their true characters and drives them apart. Trying to protect the people she loves the most, Daisy condemns herself to live a lie.

In the years that follow, as Daisy grapples with the consequences, she receives unexpected grace from a man she’s known her whole life but never looked at twice. Could what she learned about love save Brianna from heartache three generations later?

My Review:

I love intergenerational stories and this one is extra special because it involves a great-grandmother and her great-granddaughter. Love the way the two timelines compliment each other as we follow two young women, decades apart, learning about love and heartbreak and living in God’s grace with the choices made.

Present day Brianna (19 and with a bit of an attitude) tested my patience at the beginning of this book. Very much a product of our modern, fast-paced, want-it-now society. Thankfully, she matures over the course of the story, growing in her faith as she deepens her bond with her great-grandmother who patiently guides her and isn’t afraid to ask Brianna the hard questions.

Daisy (our 1940s heroine) is just as young, but in some ways more mature. In other ways she’s quite naive. She too, is a product of her time and the backdrop of war adds a whole other dimension to her story.

Oh, the foibles of youth and the mistakes we make! That’s at the heart of both timelines and Hatcher portrays both women realistically. There’s angst and romance and more angst. My heart hurt for both of them at different points in their stories. But there’s rejoicing also and a stirring conclusion that delivers hope and happily ever afters.

I so appreciated the myriad of faith threads. There is no doubt that this is a Christian Fiction offering and the author pours her heart into the lives of these characters, showing them the difference a deeper relationship with Christ can make in their lives. So inspiring!

I listened to the audible edition narrated by Windy Lanzl who did an excellent job of bringing these characters to life.

24 thoughts on “I’ll Be Seeing You + Giveaway”

  1. Hi Kav,I couldn’t find this post on your blog and the link in my email didn’t work, but this book sounds like one I’d enjoy. Thanks for offering it.Blessings, KayM Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” (NI


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  2. “I’ll Be Seeing You” sounds absolutely wonderful. Love the gorgeous cover which make you want to find out what is in those letters. And how sweet to combine dual timelines with a great grandmother and great granddaughter!

    Can’t wait for the opportunity to read and review this great story which your review introduced me to and is now on my TBR list.

    Thank you for the chance to win a copy!

    By the way, still no emails of post. I had to search for today’s post through the link you sent me. Took be some doing, but finally found today’s post. Did you ever find out if it was just me?
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

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    1. Hi Kay. I got last week’s winner email on Sun at 1:22 am. I don’t think that’s when Kav posted it. lol I actually did see it on Saturday bc I have her blog in my faves on my tablet & clicked on there. WordPress certainly has a mind of its own. 😕

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I haven’t gotten an email notice since the Saturday post telling of last weeks winners. The first day I was busy because out of state company had just left. Then I started hunting for it. Determination has me get there. It’s just frustrating to have to go through numerous steps to find it. 😦

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I checked and you are listed as a subscriber receiving notifications so I’m not sure what’s wrong. I don’t think I received the email notification for today’s post either. So strange. But other people are getting them fine though a bit late as in Diane’s case. I haven’t changed anything in the settings in Word Press and it looks to be set up to send out notifications to subscribers. Maybe they’re going to your spam folder? That happens to me periodically for some websites I subscribe too. Glad you made your way here though. I’ll keep checking around and if I find out anything helpful I’ll let you know. Good luck, Kay!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Love dual timelines & intergenerational stories (as you know) & this one’s been right in front of my nose for at least a year?! (gasp) Also 1 of my goals was/is to get back to fave authors that I dropped along the way in favor of newer authors. Robin is one of those, so in keeping with my goals (and your delicious review!), please toss my name in the hat!

    dianalflowers at aol dot com

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Robin Lee Hatcher was one of the first Christian Fiction authors I read so she has a special place in my reader’s heart, but I too have missed some of her recent releases. I even think she’s done some indie books as well. Good luck, Diane!


  4. Thanks for the great review Kav! I was reminded that this book is on my Kindle but I haven’t read it yet, moving it forward now! No need for entering me in the giveaway.


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