Summer in the Spotlight + Giveaway

A hurricane may have destroyed her livelihood on Prince Edward Island, but she’s determined to save her community

Kelsey Ahern has performed at the Victoria Playhouse on Prince Edward Island every summer since she was seven. But when a hurricane destroys the building, it’s not just her memories that are in jeopardy. Her future as a teacher and drama coach are too. She teams up with Levi Ross, the facilities director at the high school, to produce a benefit show to raise money to rebuild the theater. He has a reputation for being able to fix anything, and Kelsey is sure there’s more to the quiet man than meets the eye. 

For his part, Levi has admired Kelsey for years, but he can’t seem to find the words to tell her. When a popular weatherman arrives in town to cover the aftermath of the hurricane and takes an interest in Kelsey and her show, Levi realizes that the time has come to speak up–or lose the heart of the woman he longs for. 

Join New York Times bestselling author Liz Johnson for a season of rebuilding, restoration, and romance with this final book in the Prince Edward Island Shores series.

My Review:

Hands down, my favourite book in the series…and Levi Ross has set the bar high for any future book boyfriends! I am so besotted! Because Levi is really something special. And unique to the typical contemporary romance lead.

To say that Levi is ‘quiet’ is a massive understatement. I can probably count on one hand the number of words he spoke in the first chapter. And they are just as sparse all the way through the story. But Levi has other ways of effectively communicating and those close to him easily interpret a look or a shrug, even his body language. I love that Kelsey doesn’t find that off putting — but then, her gift for gab makes her capable of carrying on more than her fair share of a conversation. 🙂

There’s a reason Levi is the way he is and I won’t be telling tales out of turn so you just have to read the book. But he is definitely swoonworthy material — a man pining over his childhood crush. And, yes, Kelsey makes him even more tongue-tied than ever. Readers have the advantage of being party to his thoughts, while Kelsey is left to decipher his cryptic responses and silence in her own way. Most of the time she gets it right but some of the time she doesn’t which makes things all the more interesting.

Fans of the Prince Edward Island Shores series will be happy at the page time given to the Ross family in general and there’s lots of brotherly bonding leading up to a resounding wrap-up to the family’s recent woes. Yes, that does sound cryptic, but no worries if you haven’t read the first two books in this series, Johnson has seamlessly included the pertinent details from the earlier books with minimum spoilers so I think you could read Summer in the Spotlight as a standalone.

And that title! Very clever tie-in to the story. Love the concept of the town rallying to save the summer theatre.The plot is both predictable and unpredictable so, as a reader, I got to bask in the comfort of the familiar while also experiencing the thrill of the unexpected. And then there’s the Prince Edward Island setting! I’m all Anne-girl starry eyed. 🙂 Summer in the Spotlight makes a perfect summer escape read!

(I enjoyed listening to the audible edition expertly narrated by Emily Ellet. She did a great job of creating unique voices for each character and, honestly, made Levi sound so dreamy. Happy sigh.)

30 thoughts on “Summer in the Spotlight + Giveaway”

  1. I loved Summer in the Spotlight too! Great review, Kav!
    This whole series is fantastic I’m not sure I can choose a favorite,
    all the Ross brothers have something unique to offer 🙂

    Liz just went to PEI and her newsletter said she’s planning a trip there with a small group next July. Oh how I would love to go on that with a bunch of readers!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, those Ross brothers, but I’m swooning just a wee bit more over Levi. 🙂 What a fantastic trip that would be! Meeting a fave author in the place I’ve wanted to visit since my childhood. And in the presence of fellow readers. Wow!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. “Summer in the Spotlight” sounds like an awesome story and one I know I will be enthralled with making it a can’t put down read for me. That’s fine because my body and spirit are ready for reading indulgence right about now and this book sounds like it would be the one to do that.

    Thank you for the chance. Have a fabulous day and may it be filled by listening to an awesome book!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve somehow missed this series and your review makes me want to catch up with these brothers. Thanks for your giveaway!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Loved your review! I was first in line for e-checkout at my library and loved this story and catching up with the whole family too. I really love this entire series and may need to binge read them all again!

    Sandyavery at comcast dot net

    Liked by 1 person

      1. We’re thinking our Linden trees have been stressed this year but yes their leaves are turning yellow already. The nights have been cool but the days still hot.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you, Kav! I sent you an email. 🎉

    Just the other day, I listened to a podcast interview with Liz about this book!! It made me even more excited to read it.

    I would love to visit Prince Edward Island someday. ❤️🌊

    Liked by 1 person

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