Carol Awards Semi-Finalists 2023 – Speculative and Young Adult + Giveaway

First off — what exactly are the Carol Awards?

They are awards given out by American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) in recognition of outstanding Christian fiction in the previous calendar year. So these 2023 finalists are books published in 2022. You might have read them already, you might not. I’ll include links to books I’ve read and reviewed.

How does this giveaway work?

We’re doubling up today since we’re pressed for time before the winners are announced on August 24th. So, this time ’round we have 14 titles for you to choose from…either a book from the Speculative Category OR a book from the YA Category. Decisions…decisions.

You select which of the Carol Award finalists 2023 — Speculative OR Youn Adult Category you would like to receive. Mention the title in your comment (or an email if you’re entering that way) and if you win, that’s the book that will be sent to you. Easy Peasy.

Of Note: In past years, ACFW has announced the three finalists of each category in June and then the winners during their annual Writer’s Conference in late August/early September. This year they’ve switched it up and have announced seven semi-finalists in each category which will be whittled down to three finalists the first day of the conference at the end of August and then the winners in each category will be announced on the final day of the conference. So., with only two days in between the finalist announcements and the winner announcements, we’re going to have to go with wading through the seven semi-finalists so these weekly giveaways are going to be lengthy. Sorry about that. And now here are the Speculative Semi-Finalists.

The Girl With Stars in Her Eyes by Dawn Ford; Expanse Books — ebook giveaway — Eighteen-year-old servant girl Tambrynn is haunted by more than her unusual silver hair and the star-shaped pupils in her eyes. Her uncontrollable ability to call objects leads the wolves who savagely murdered her mother right to her door. When she’s fired and outcast during a snowstorm, her carriage wrecks and she’s forced to find refuge in an abandoned cottage. There, her life is upended when the magpie who’s stalked her for eight years transforms into a man, Lucas. He’s her Watcher and they’re from a different kingdom. His job is to keep her safe from her father, an evil mage, who wants to steal her abilities, turn her into one of his undead beasts, and become immortal himself. Can they make it to the magical passageway and get to their home kingdom in time for Tambrynn to thwart her father’s malicious plans? Or will Tambrynn’s unique magic doom them all?

Never Leave Me (Waters of Time ; 2) by Jody Hedlund; Revell (Baker Publishing Group) — paperback or ebook copy — In the last stages of a genetic disease, Ellen Creighton has decided to live out her remaining days at the estate of her longtime friend Harrison Burlington. Harrison cares deeply for Ellen, but as a wheelchair-bound paraplegic, he’s never allowed himself to get serious in a relationship. However, he’s desperately trying to save her by finding the holy water that is believed to heal any disease. When he locates two flasks, Ellen refuses to drink one of them because she believes the holy water killed her sister and father. In an effort to convince her to take it, Harrison ingests the contents first, and when Ellen witnesses the effects, she can no longer deny the power of the substance in the bottles. Dangerous criminals are also seeking the holy water, and Ellen soon learns they will go to any lengths to get the powerful drug-including sending her back into the past to find it for them. Bestselling and award-winning author Jody Hedlund plunges you into the swiftly flowing river of history in a race against the clock in this breathtaking, emotional second Waters of Time story.

Read and reviewed:

Nightfall in the Garden of Deep Time by Tracey Higley; Stonewater Books LLC – paperback or ebook giveaway

What if you stumbled into a timeless party, in a secret garden only you could see?

Kelsey Willoughby doesn’t have time to pursue her writing dreams. Imagination doesn’t pay the bills, and she’s busy saving her beautiful city bookshop from online competition, hotel developers, and the sneaking suspicion that nobody reads anymore.

Not to mention all those voices telling her she doesn’t have talent.

But then the vacant lot of weeds next door starts to shimmer.

When Kelsey stumbles into a luminous nighttime garden party, larger than the vacant lot that holds it and filled with enigmatic guests, she suspects they hold the key to saving the bookshop, and perhaps even to her own mysterious origins.

But answers aren’t forthcoming, not until Kelsey is willing to confront her past, step into her potential, and push deeper into the unknown edges of the garden, where an unexpected journey takes her into a world of dangerous revelation.

Dream of Kings by Sharon Hinck; Enclave Publishing — paperback or ebook giveaway —

In the glacial nation of Norgard, Jolan the Dream Teller serves every seeker, whether peasant or high lord. Though she loves using her gift, she struggles to navigate the corrupt and dangerous court and the jealousies of the Guildagard.

When an old man’s nightmare imparts a dire warning, Jolan realizes her entire nation is in danger. But before she can sound the alarm, she is betrayed by the guilds and sold into slavery in a rival kingdom far to the south. As a slave in a foreign land, at first Jolan can’t see beyond her singular focus: return home to warn Norgard of the coming calamity. After facing new dangers, making new friends, and forgiving old wrongs, she must fulfill the purposes the Provider has set before her.

Only then can she face a decision that could cost her the man she loves, her calling, and her freedom—all to save a people who abandoned her.

Shadow of Honor (Droseran Saga ; 3) by Ronie Kendig; Enclave Publishing — ebook giveaway

Held captive, tortured by monsters of a nightmarish alien race, Marco Dusan clings to a final goal: keep these beasts from the Quadrants, even if it means orchestrating his own death. But his dreams betray that singular design. In them his bonded calls to him across lightyears. Does he leave her to fight Symmachia alone, or risk bringing an unwinnable war to every planet in the Quadrants? 

On board the alien dreadnought, Eija Zacdari flounders, torn amidst military machinations, prophecies, and an inexplicable bond with one of the fearsome creatures who have imprisoned her friends. Only by uncovering the truth about an ancient conflict now shrouded in deception will she find her place.

Faced with her true identity, Eija sees her purpose snap into focus, and she realizes the war Marco fears may be the very one he has been called to start.

Aberration (Children of the Consortium ; 2) by Cathy McCrumb; Enclave Publishing — paperback or ebook giveaway

Freedom Awaits, but the Consortium is Watching

When rogue drones threaten citizens and the ship’s crew falls ill, the Recorder answers their call for help, once again drawing scrutiny from the Consortium.

With no other option and under an Elder’s overbearing watch, she returns to Pallas Station where she nearly lost her life in the hope of finding something—anything—to save her friends and countless others. Her friends are determined to keep her safe, but for the Recorder, saving others comes first, no matter the cost.

Drawn in Ash by John Otte; Indie ebook giveaway

The Dynasty claims to be a veritable paradise where a multitude of races live in peace and harmony. Everys knows better. The Dynasty has been broken since it was founded, with the human nobility oppressing many of the peoples they’ve brutally conquered, including her own. As an illegal mage, for Everys to stand up to the injustice would mean risking her life, so she hides in a rundown corner of the capital city, content to live in obscurity. But then she is brought to the palace and forced to marry Kind Narius, the descendant of the tyrant who destroyed her people’s homeland. Maybe this is the chance she’s been waiting for to make things right.

Due to sacred law, Narius has to be married for his reign to be legitimate. He can’t marry the woman he actually loves, so he has to settle for another. Unfortunately, the young woman he chose seems determined to cause him nothing but trouble. 

Thrown together by circumstances they can’t control, Everys and Narius must set aside old grudges and painful legacies to forge an uneasy partnership before the Dynasty’s enemies destroy everything they hold dear.


Wishtress by Nadine Brandes; Thomas Nelson — hardcover or ebook giveaway –

Myrthe was born with the ability to turn her tears into wishes. But when a granted wish goes wrong, she is cursed: the next tear she sheds will kill her. She must travel to the Well to break the curse before it claims her life—and before the king’s militairen find her. To survive the journey, Myrthe must harden her heart to keep herself from crying even a single tear.

He can stop time with a snap of his fingers.

Bastiaan’s powerful—and rare—Talent came in handy when he kidnapped the old king. Now the new king has a job for him: find the Wishtress and deliver her to the schloss. But Bastiaan needs a wish of his own. He gains Myrthe’s trust by promising to take her to the Well, but once he gets what he needs, he’ll turn her in. As long as his growing feelings for the girl with a stone heart don’t compromise him.

Their quest can end only one way: with her death.

Everyone seems to need a wish—the king, Myrthe’s cousin, the boy she thinks she loves. And they’re ready to bully, beg, and betray her for it. No one knows that to grant even one wish, Myrthe would pay with her life. And if she tells them about the curse . . . they’ll just kill her anyway.

Addy of the Door Islands by Judy Ducharme; Emerald House Group — ebook giveaway

When Addy and her sister Molly step off the Orphan Train Steamer in Ephraim, Wisconsin, no one waits for them. Hopes for a family that would treat them kindly while they worked for them are gone. Addy determines to find a job and care for her sister, but that presents problems she can’t quite handle. Even though Mr. Captain offers to help the girls find a home, Addy is convinced no one will ever want them. She’s just too much trouble and too impetuous. Besides, those pesky feelings of abandonment stalk her heart. As Addy and Molly get to know the kind and strong people of Door County and its isolated islands, perhaps they will actually find a place to call home. But will they ever learn about the family they lost? And what of the others from the Orphan Train? Who will love these children? Join Addy in her quest to grow into the heritage of the islanders by becoming a strong survivor and helping others do the same. Her attitude and actions will delight you and drive you crazy.

In Addy of the Door Islands, Judy DuCharme continues the saga of the fascinating people of the Door Islands at the tip of Door County, Wisconsin. Set in the late-1800s, Addy of the Door Islandsshares the story of two amazing orphan girls who just want to be loved. Through their story, learn more about the islands and the children who were part of the history of the Orphan Train. And catch up with the people you loved in Lainey of the Door Islands.

The Wonderland Trials by Sara Ella; Enclave Escape ebook giveaway

All Alice Liddell wants is to escape her Normal life in Oxford and find the parents who abandoned her ten years ago. But she gets more than she bargained for when her older sister Charlotte is arrested for having the infamous Wonder Gene—the key to unlocking the curious Wonderland Reality.

Soon, Alice receives a rather cryptic invitation to play for Team Heart in this year’s annual—and often deadly—Wonderland Trials. Now she has less than twenty-four hours to find her way into Wonderland where nothing is impossible . . . or what it seems.

The stakes are raised when she discovers players go missing during the Trials each year. Will she and her team solve the clues and find the missing players? Or will betrayal and distrust win, leaving Alice alone in a world of her own? Follow the White Rabbit into this topsy-turvy fantasy where players become prey, a sip of the wrong tea might as well be poison, and a queen’s ways do not always lead one where they ought to go.

The Star That Always Stays by Anna Rose Johnson; Holiday House — ebook giveaway

When bright and spirited Norvia moves from the country to the city, she has to live by one new Never let anyone know you’re Ojibwe.

Growing up on Beaver Island, Grand-père told Norvia stories—stories about her ancestor Migizi, about Biboonke-o-nini the Wintermaker, about the Crane Clan and the Reindeer Clan. He sang her songs in the old language, and her grandmothers taught her to make story quilts and maple candy. On the island, Norvia was proud of her Ojibwe heritage. 

Zip Zilch by Paul H. Maitland ; Little Roni Publisher — paperback or ebook giveaway

If you don’t want to be noticed, you certainly will be. Just ask Zip.
A finalist in the 2019 AFCW Genesis contest, Zip Zilch: Nobody’s a Nothin’ Book One, is a fast-paced, hilarious new entry into the middle school (and beyond) genre.
Corey “Zip” Zilch didn’t want all this attention, but it came, ready or not, starting when the Scuds pushed him into Weasel Creek. Oh, and they tossed his books in with him for good measure.

That’s when everything let loose.
His mom’s reaction was to treat him like a baby
His water-soaked schoolbooks wouldn’t open in class
The principal pelted him with dictionary words
He was forced to step between the Scuds and Sarah (that takes guts!)
And with all of this, his dad didn’t have a clue. About anything.
But, hey, life wasn’t all bad.
Seventh grade gave him a new start. Sarah and her friend Hu became his best buds, he discovered cross country running (and he was good!), he found a coach who treated him like a man, he became part of a team, and he (amazingly) survived the uber health-conscious school lunches.

So far, he hadn’t discovered the identity of the prankster mucking stuff up for the team, nor realized the bully danger in the boys’ room, or how to talk to girls, or how hard it would be to win at least one race.

Zip didn’t have it all figured out, but why should he? That’s what middle school is for.

Reaching Into Silence by Linda Sammaritan; Winged Publications — paperback or ebook giveaway

The rubella epidemic of 1964-65. The Vietnam War.

Both converge on twelve-year-old Debbie when her sister is born with disabilities and her father may be flying into danger.

Labeled as a “rubella baby,” Debbie’s sister Krista is born blind in one eye and with a hole in her heart. Although she survives risky open-heart surgery, months pass, and she doesn’t babble or crawl like most babies do. Doctors decide Krista is cognitively challenged—she’ll never be able to learn—and they advise her parents to put her in an institution. Just forget about her and raise their three “normal” kids.

Not on Debbie’s watch . She’s sure Krista is deaf, but no one will believe a kid.

Along with all the medical drama, Debbie must deal with problems at school—best friends who move away, mean girls who don’t, bullies, and boyfriends. Refusing to give in to self-pity, she soldiers on as Krista’s champion.

However, Debbie’s optimism falters when her father’s next orders will send him to the war in Vietnam. Can she hang tough for her mother, keep helping Krista, and prepare for life without Dad, possibly forever?

Inside the Ten-Foot Line by Lori Z. Scott; End Game Press — ebook giveaway –

Sophomore high school student Lorali Mathews has one goal: win a scholarship to play volleyball at a Division One school.

The only thing standing in her way?

  • A losing streak. 
  • A toxic teammate.
  • A murderous man. 
  • A distracting boy.
  • Yucky kale chips ….

oh yeah, and about four inches in height.

And it doesn’t help that her aunt ― who inspired her love for volleyball ― passed away in an unfortunate accident.

What good will Lorali do to her aunt’s legacy if she doesn’t take her dreams all the way to college?

But with a teammate harboring a dangerous secret, one that could endanger that teammate’s life.

Lorali may have to learn to put aside her dreams for now to help her get to safety. And with a murderous man on the loose, the two of them may lose far more than a chance at a scholarship, or even, a second chance at life.


Please pay attention to the book formats available for this giveaway noted after the publication info for each individual title. Ebook wins are available to anyone, anywhere who has a .com kindle account. Paperbacks are available to readers in US and Canada.

If you would like a chance to win a copy of one of these Carol Awards semi-finalists, leave a comment below or email me at kavluvstoread AT yahoo DOT ca. If you add an email to your comment, remember to use AT and DOT instead of @ and . in order to protect yourself from spammers. If you enter the draw via email, please add the title to the subject line so it’s easy to spot your entry. Draw will be held and winner announced on Saturday August 19, 2023. Good luck!

33 thoughts on “Carol Awards Semi-Finalists 2023 – Speculative and Young Adult + Giveaway”

  1. I’ve heard good things about Wishtress, so I’m going with that one. Thanks for the giveaway! Jolene – beautyinthebinding at gmail dot com

    Liked by 1 person

  2. If fortunate enough to be selected, I would love a paperback copy of “Reaching Into Silence” by Linda Sammaritan. Sounds like a fabulous book and one I would greatly enjoy reading.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Kav,How are you doing this summer? I hope you are doing well. I’m doing well and enjoying the summer, though we’ve had some very hot weather and my AC went out. Actually, my whole system finally died (it was limping along this last winter), so I had to replace everything. I love the new system. My old one was getting really noisy–it was difficult to have a decent conversation without almost shouting–LOL! Now it’s very quiet in the house, even with the system running. I thank God for providing the funds to pay for everything, which I’d been saving for a long time. It was hard to chose a book for the giveaway, but I decided to go for Tracy Higley’s book, since I’ve always enjoyed her books in the past. I’m happy that her new one is being well received.  Blessings,Kay Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” (NIV)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oy — this summer has been brutal, hasn’t it? I don’t have AC at all so I feel your pain. Glad you have a new system and it’s keeping you cool! The perfect temperatures for reading! 🙂 I’m so happy you shared that you have enjoyed Tracy Higley’s books in the past. She’s a new to me author, but this one sounds so intriguing. I might just have to give her a try. Good luck, Kay!


  4. So many interesting choices, Kav! I’m quite intrigued with Dream of Kings by Sharon Hinck, so I’m going to choose that one. 😀

    Alison Boss

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Nightfall in the Garden of Deep Time sounds interesting. I don’t read much in this genre but a little is ok and this does sound like something I might like. Blessings

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I loved reading Nighttime in the Garden of Deep Time. I would love to have a print copy. I was privileged to be an early reader.of an ebook.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m not much for speculative fiction, however the one by Jody Hedlund I’ve heard great things about! I think I like anything she writes, her historicals are among my favorites. She’s one of those authors who can write anything well 😊

    My pick is “Never Leave Me” and I already know I need to read the first one in this series….and the rest too!

    teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com

    Liked by 1 person

  8. While this isn’t a preferred genre of mine, this was an easy choice for me. One of these books is on my TBR wish list: Nightfall in the Garden of Deep Time by Tracey Higley

    Obertam at gmail dot com

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