Reader’s Choice – Summer Edition – Mystery/Suspense + Giveaway

So, here’s how this week’s giveaways works: You recommend CHRISTIAN FICTION genre specific titles with release dates in July, August or September 2023 (up to three suggestions per genre day) and you have a chance to win one of your recommendations! BUT it’s a little more complicated than that so be sure to read ALL the details before entering.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: These giveaways are available in paperback or ebook format to US and Canadian readers. Ebooks available internationally if you have a .com kindle account (US Amazon)


To be entered in the draw just leave a comment (or 3) below, including the title(s) of the book(s) in the Mystery/Suspense Fiction genre you would like to win.

Mystery/Suspense Fiction — a full length story or novella or collection of novellas where mystery is an important part of the plot. The hero or heroine (or both) are often in peril (more so in suspense.) Can be set in any time period – contemporary or historical – and cross genres such as YA, Amish, dual timeline etc.

How does it work?

Easy peasy! Make recommendations in the comment section and if you win, you win the book you suggested.


Publication date must be July, August or September 2023

Each day is genre specific, so only submit titles from that genre

Christian Fiction books only please!

You can offer up to three suggestions per genre day BUT they need to be made in 3 separate comments (easier for me to keep track of.)

No email entries this time round since comments are working on WP


Entrants must submit their own selections (no piggybacking on someone else’s log in.)

It’s helpful to include your email (using AT and DOT instead of @ and . to protect yourself from spammers) but you only need to add it to one of your comments per day. If you choose not to include your email, then it’s up to you to contact me if you are a winner.

Draw will be held and winner announced on 

Saturday July 1, 2023

(You can enter any of the giveaways up until noon on July 1. Winners will be announced later that afternoon.)

145 thoughts on “Reader’s Choice – Summer Edition – Mystery/Suspense + Giveaway”

  1. I have been looking forward to another book from Kate Angelo ever since her debut,
    Driving Force. And now here it is, her first Love Inspired Suspense,
    Hunting the Witness 8/22

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  2. Good morning, Kav! The security alarm went off on hubs phone at 6:30 AM & woke me up. Someone was walking & stopped to do knee exercises in front of my house. Is that even normal at that time of the morning? (ugh) I was busy doing my own form of exercise…sawing logs. 😴

    1) Countdown by Lynette Eason (Aug 1)

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  3. 2) The Wings of Poppy Pendleton by Melanie Dobson (Sept 19) *Labeled as Christian mystery/thrillers on NG, also early reviews on Goodreads mention suspense*

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  4. Saw this one on FB last night & really liked the cover! Sounds good, too! New-to-me suspense author.

    3) Refuge for the Archaeologist by Danielle Grandinetti (July 18)

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    1. Um…Diane…I would think anyone who wants to exercise in your area would have to be out that early because of the heat. I’m thinking even the temps at 6:30 would be too hot for me. lol You must have great upper arm strength with all that sawing logs. Bwahahaha!

      I’m intrigued by Refuge for the Archaeologist by Danielle Grandinetti — I have heard her name, but I don’t think I’ve read anything by this author. And I like the historical setting! Going on my list. Good luck, Diane!


      1. Hmm, I hadn’t thought about the 91° temp it’s supposed to reach today. Well, methinks he could’ve let me sleep, er, rather…saw logs at least another hour. 😂 Need that upper body strength! hahaha

        The name Danielle Grandanetti does slightly ring a bell, but I sure didn’t know she wrote Christian suspense!

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  5. Thanks again Kav for this informative and fun giveaway. I enjoy books by Traci Hunter Abramson Looking forward to Unseen.

    Nora Finding Hope at yahoo

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    1. Oh, wow, this does look good and set in Honduras. It’s the seventh in a series — I wonder if they have to be read in order? I’m hoping not. Haven’t read anything by this author, I don’t think, so this might just be the book I start with. Good luck, Nora!


  6. Since I still haven’t yet dabbled back into the suspense genre much and I’m so far behind on most authors, I’m going for a couple of cozy mysteries…much easier on my nerves to boot…lol!

    1. Every Dog Has His Day by Janice Thompson ~July

    Liked by 1 person

  7. This looks like a fun cozy mystery novella set by some new-to-me authors! And such a clever title…bwhahaha!

    2. Death by Food Truck by Joi Copeland, Cynthia Hickney, Linda Baten Johnson and Teresa Ives Lilly ~July

    teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do love a good cozy mystery! I recently heard a favourable review for Death by Food Truck — a neat idea of have a cozy mystery novella collection and unusual since I don’t believe any of the stories are linked to a series. Plus, lots of new to me author names. Good luck, Trixi!


  8. First of all I have you to thank for the review of a Steele Guardians book, so of course I read the while series (and see that there are lots of previous series to catch up on)!

    So, choice #1 is: Shadow of Deceit, Susan Sleeman, 8/2

    Sandyavery at comcast dot net

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    1. Yay a Susan Sleeman fan! I am soooo close to being caught up and you’ve reminded me that I better get to it ’cause she’s one of the authors I want complete this year. So glad you read the other Steele Guardians novels too. Nighthawk Security (the series before Steele Guardians) is one of my favourites by her. Love that family! And their grandparents! I just checked her website and it looks like there are going to be six books in this new series as well. Yay! I don’t know how she does it, but I am so glad she does. Good luck, Sandy!


  9. Kav, I apologize. Somehow, my suggestion for Cold Pursuit ended up under one of Diane Flowers’s post. I’m not trying to submit 4!!

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    1. That’s ok, Connie. Maybe you caught my vibes that I’m reading Cold Pursuit at the moment! lol And no, Kav, so far it’s not overly creepy. More fascinating than anything. Course it is about a serial killer, but not terribly graphic. Tracey & Trixi might disagree, however. 😉

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Haha Diane you know me too well. Just seeing the words “serial killer” gives me the heebie-jeebies!
        I dream about almost everything I read so I have to be careful. I read summaries very closely. However, sometimes I end up reading a book and don’t know where it’s headed and get a big surprise. That’s when I read fast or jump over it. I can only handle the smallest amount of fear factor in a book, LIS are about my speed, not overly graphic and shorter too. 🙂

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      2. Tracey, I remember you saying something about not liking overly creepy suspense & tbh, there’s certain ones I can’t read either. There’s a couple by a well-known suspense author that were so graphic my tummy got nervous. So I DNF them. But I’m good right now & happily reading Nancy Mehl’s intriguing serial killer book & looking over my shoulder every so often. hahaha

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      1. I don’t know why you guys can’t edit your own comments they only gave me that super power. 🙂 And good to know, Diane, that it’s not overly creepy, but, yikes, another serial killer?! We’re experiencing a tsunami of them in Christian Romantic Suspense. lol

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  10. Amish Fugitive by Shelley Shepard (Love Inspired Suspense Cold Case Collection) (July 25, 2023) This is part of the Love Inspired Suspense line.

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    1. I love this genre too — it went a bit by the wayside because of Regencies for awhile but now I’m trying to strike a better balance between my genres. Only when my reading muse is in a mood, I have to give in to her or she’ll have a hissy fit. 🙂 Good luck, Paula!


    2. I’m changing this one because I just signed up for a tour.and am getting it.
      I will switch to The Legend Of Longdale Manor by Carrie Turansky.


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