Reader’s Choice – Summer Edition – Contemporary Fiction + Giveaway

So, here’s how this week’s giveaways work: You recommend CHRISTIAN FICTION genre specific titles with release dates in July, August or September 2023 (up to three suggestions per genre day) and you have a chance to win one of your recommendations! BUT it’s a little more complicated than that so be sure to read ALL the details before entering.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: These giveaways are available in paperback or ebook format to US and Canadian readers. Ebooks available internationally if you have a .com kindle account (US Amazon)


To be entered in the draw just leave a comment (or 3) below, including the title(s) of the book(s) in the Contemporary Romance / Fiction genre you would like to win.

Contemporary Romance / Fiction — a full length story or novella or collection of novellas set in any time period after 1980. May cross genres such as YA, Suspense, Amish etc and may include dual timelines.

How does it work?

Easy peasy! Make recommendations in the comment section and if you win, you win the book you suggested.


Publication date must be July, August or September 2023

Each day is genre specific, so only submit titles from that genre

Christian Fiction books only please!

You can offer up to three suggestions per genre day BUT they need to be made in 3 separate comments (easier for me to keep track of.)

No email entries this time round since comments are working on WP


Entrants must submit their own selections (no piggybacking on someone else’s log in.)

It’s helpful to include your email (using AT and DOT instead of @ and . to protect yourself from spammers) but you only need to add it to one of your comments per day. If you choose not to include your email, then it’s up to you to contact me if you are a winner.

Draw will be held and winner announced on 

Saturday July 1, 2023

(You can enter any of the giveaways up until noon on July 1. Winners will be announced later that afternoon.)

160 thoughts on “Reader’s Choice – Summer Edition – Contemporary Fiction + Giveaway”

    1. I can’t believe the time for Positively Penelope is drawing near. Eeeeeppppp! And your last choice looks really good. I’m not familiar with the author but I love a good Dual Timeline mystery. Good luck, Tammy!


      1. Some advanced readers posted about it in the Facebook avid CF readers group. Sounds intriguing.


    1. Oh, wow, three super picks in a row here. I’ve seen some buzz around social media about The Love Script so I’m super excited about that one because…Toni Shiloh! And your other two choices look amazing as well…including a trip to Prince Edward Island. Woohoo! Good luck, Cindy!


  1. This is the last book in Liz Johnson’s Prince Edward Island series, I believe.

    3) Summer in the Spotlight By Liz Johnson (Aug 8)

    dianalflowers at aol dot com

    Liked by 2 people

      1. In case anyone is interested, Critical Threat – Extreme Measures 3, is on sale for $2.39 for the e-book! Great book! Great series!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You can’t beat a relatively new release by Lynette Eason for $2 and some change! 😁


      1. Why does auto correct think it knows better then us? The nerve! 🙂 I like your Christmas selection. I just read Sarah Monzon’s Christmas book from last year — a little novella that packed quite the punch. Very excited about this new one coming out. Good luck, Tracey!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. August 1 Positively Penelope by Pepper Basham quilting dash lady at comcast dot net
    Thanks Kav for doing these give a ways. I get to see/read new to me authors

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have many more than three on my Contemporary list! But here are my three choices.

    The Wind Blows in Sleeping Grass, Katie Powner, 9/26.

    I still have her previous book on my tbr list, and this one sounds interesting.

    Sandyavery at comcast dot net

    Liked by 1 person

  4. second choice:

    He Should Have Told the Bees, Amanda Cox, 8/29.

    It seems I’ve been waiting for this one forever, so looking forward to another Amanda Cox book.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I think I only have one new one to add in this category today:

    1. On Moonberry Lake by Holly Varni ~September

    May be a debut?? But it looks & sounds terrific!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I think it’s too early for Christmas novels, but I can’t resist a yearly Carlson tale (and what a gorgeous cover!):

    2. A Royal Christmas by Melody Carlson ~September

    I’d definitely save this for my Christmas reads starting in November 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooooohhhh, I think On Moonberry Lake sounds fantastic. And I just love saying Moonberry. 🙂 New to me author, wonder if it’s her debut? And it’s never too early for a Christmas story — I just read one this week. 🙂 Good luck, Trixi!


    1. Even better that On Moonberry Lake is a debut novel — ticks another goal box. And your third choice, Paula, I’m thinking is meant to be Facing the Enemy by DiAnn Mills? It’s due out Sept 5. Good luck!


      1. I’m switching this one because I just signed up for a tour and am getting it!
        Hero Debut bt Angela Riuth Strong


    1. Squealing in bibliophile delight over these two, Jolene. Hero Debut sounds like an awesome rom/com and it has such a campy cover! And Kristi Ann Hunter stepping out of her Regency world?! I’ve gotta see how that plays out. Woohoo. Good luck!


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