A New Year and a New Blog

Welcome to Best Read’s new blogging home. For those of you who have been following me over the last — gasp! – twelve years — on blogger, I hope you enjoy the new digs and have patience with my extremely non-techy self as I continue to figure things out here. It’s been quite the learning curve and I have to admit that I’ve only gotten this far by happenstance so bear with me as this site will continue to change as I figure things out. Like how to add a subscribe button! And tags etc. So, we might be bare bones in these early days. But, the comments should work…hooray!

The blog’s official debut will be on Wednesday February 1, 2023 and will feature the first book review and giveaway of the year. Woohoo! Until then I’ll continue tinkering around behind the scenes and try to spruce things up a bit…once I figure out what a widget is and what the difference between categories and tags are and…

In the meantime…Happy Reading everybody!

63 thoughts on “A New Year and a New Blog”

    1. Woohoo — comments work, sorta. Seems like I have to approve each one? Have to see if I can change that. But, yay! Congratulations on being the first follower and commenter only, I have no idea how you managed to subscribe ’cause I don’t see anything anywhere, but you are an intrepid reporter after all. 🙂

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      1. I couldn’t tell if the first comment went through, so I did it again, lol. I think there is a way to change the comment moderation in settings. I was on my word press account and I had copied/pasted your link so I put that in to follow. Had to try it a couple of times. Let me know if you need any more testing, glad to see what is working for you.

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      2. Strange…this time your comment posted right away. Maybe I just have to approve each user once and then they are recognized ? I’ll see about getting some other guinea pigs…er, volunteers to try this out.

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      3. It could have been because I clicked the box for any additional comments, maybe…I think a commenter has to do that with each new post if they want to see other comments. Otherwise they can just bookmark the blog and check back in when they want. Two blind mice…

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  1. Ok, I found the post and can comments, but where do I find the place to subscribe? I don’t want to miss out on anything!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

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    1. That’s what I still have to figure out. Some people have managed it but I’m not sure how…maybe they have WordPress accounts and went in that way? I’m still customizing the theme (ha — don’t you like my techno talk?) and I’m pretty sure I’ll get to the subscribe thingy eventually. Hopefully before next week!

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  2. Yay! It’s Kav!! Glad you’re figuring things out! I’m so tech-challenged it’s not even funny. My daughter has tried several times to teach me how to do Instagram, but it’s still a puzzlement to me. I can see other people’s accounts and like and comment on them, but I can’t figure out how to do my own posts and tagging, etc. I think my brain is full and won’t allow anything new in. I’m hoping you can figure out the subscribing thing so I can find you again. LOL


  3. Gah!!!! Stupid web gremlins ate my comment 😡 Such as life, ‘eh?? Anyway, I’ll try to duplicate what I said;

    I’m SO, SO, SO, excited to “see” you again Kav!!! Like the others commented, I was having some serious withdrawals 😣 I know there’s still a whole lot for you to learn yet, but I think once you get the basics down pat, you’ll be good to go. Can’t wait to see all the wonderful changes coming! I’ll be keeping you in my prayers and crossing my fingers (and toes) as you begin to figure things out 😁 Oh, I *think* I was able to subscribe to the blog, but I won’t know for sure until the next posting 😉
    *Happy Dancing* (like Snoopy, lol!)


    1. Ha — the gremlins didn’t eat your comment, WordPress makes me approve every comment at this point. Though I’m not sure if that’s a one time thing per user or if I’ll have to do it every time. I had to approve Tracey’s first comment but then her next ones were fine. Oh, so many things to learn. Prayers appreciated! But I’m super excited to be back. Snoopy dancing with you!


      1. I follow quite a few other blogs that use WordPress, and it seems once you “approve” a comment for that posting, you don’t have to do it again. But I think with each new blog post, you do have to. Probably the idea is to protect you from scammers or comments you’d rather not have on your posts. Hope this makes sense! And yes, I got email notifications on new comments so I “followed” you correctly… Yay! 😊

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  4. Yay!! I am so excited you are finding a way!! I like the look of the blog. I don’t see a subscribe button but when it is there I will subscribe! I enjoy interacting with you on Instagram too 🙂


  5. The opening of a new chapter for your blog! Very exciting! Looks like you have done a great job. We have so missed you and the other kind readers who share their love of books.


      1. There is a little “follow” pop up on the bottom right of my screen as I scroll around your site and comments page. It isn’t consistently there but did appear as I moved around the page or at opening. Perhaps if folks move their mouse around a bit it might appear. I clicked that to follow you and have now confirmed it. I do follow a few authors on Word Press, so I don’t know if that makes a difference.

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      2. Well that’s interesting. I don’t see that when I scroll around but maybe because I’m the creator? I did discover that I have to initially approve every new person’s comment, but once that’s been done the comments will show up automatically so that’s good.


      3. Kav, I think the “follow” button at the bottom can only be seen by people who comment not by the blog creator (you) 😊 I don’t know if it’s something WordPress automatically has on there or if it was something you were able to include when you created the blog. Anyway, it seems to be working! Another victory ‘eh?

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      4. Possible victory, but not everyone can see it and I know I’ve seen a template where there is an actual subscribe button. Now I’m scared to do anything in case I mess up what’s working. Bwahahaha!


  6. It’s probably good you have to approve comments. That way nothing spammy or inappropriate shows up. Hugs and congrats on the new site!


  7. Glad to see some familiar ‘faces’ here. Leaving a comment so hopefully I get future notifications. I will add the blog link to my favorites so it’s easy to find again.


    1. It’s great to have the old gang back for sure. Some people have found a follow button at the bottom right hand corner of the screen and that’s how they signed up for notifications…I think.


    1. Hope you find it! CC sent me a screen shot and it’s down at the very bottom — right hand — screen. I don’t have it because I’m the creator. I have customize, edit and stats instead.


  8. Well, I noticed something about the follow button at bottom right. As you’re scrolling upwards from top reading comments it doesn’t show. But if you stop scrolling up & immediately scroll down, it shows. Has 3 little dots to subscribe, etc.


  9. I’m not receiving your blog by email this week. Do I need to sign up again? And where would I do that? I had to do some searching to find your new page. I don’t want to miss out on your reviews and giveaways.

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    1. I’ve got a notification that you are following now, Pam, so I think it’s all good. There’s a blue button at the top right hand of this screen that says Follow Kav’s Best Reads. You click on that to sign up for email notifications. I’m told that you sign in with a WordPress or google account — but there’s also a follow button at the bottom right hand of the screen that seems to flash in and out when you scroll and that one you just have to click on it to follow — no follow up needed. I’m getting all this second hand from other people because I don’t see the same thing as a creator of the blog. Oh — and I had to approve your first comment, but from now on your comments should show up right away, without needing approval.


      1. Thanks. My question was answered when I tried to post my original comment and had to sign in again in WordPress. I’m glad I’ll be receiving your posts again.

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  10. I’m joining the the cheers going up to having you back with us here again. I didn’t realize how much I would miss it until you were gone. I do have a question though. I’m getting email notices each time you post something Kav, is that part of your new blog now?


  11. I can answer my own question. When you join your blog Kav through WordPress, one of the settings ask if you want to receive any post by email or just through notifications and I had both checked off. That’s why I’m getting emails now too. We’re learning how it works right along with you Kav.


    1. Ohhhhh….so you mean some people are getting every single comment email? Yikes! So should people just opt for notifications? And that would mean they’d only get notified about a new post as opposed to every comment anyone makes? As you can see, I’m completely clueless. I was just so proud of myself for finding a way to pin that follow button…who knew it would create such chaos?!


      1. Each and every post has a 2 boxes at the bottom that ask if you want to receive any comments on that particular day’s post. I clicked on it for the first post, so I got them all. Going forward on a daily basis, if you don’t click either of the 2 buttons at the bottom after you comment you will not get email notifications about other people’s comments on that book/review. Those two boxes will appear daily under any comment yo make, so don’t click either of them and you won’t get every comment made sent to you. I hope that makes sense.

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  12. I was going to explain but thanks for beating me to it, Tracey! I’ve gotten every comment from every single person since Kav started the blog. But it’s bc I wanted to see what everyone had to say. I probably won’t do this next week. LOL

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      1. LOL! Thanks for the warning. Maybe I should so I can better sympathize with you. I know that’s a tough week for you. Just not firsthand! 😳

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  13. Ah, I see them there and I’ve never clicked them but I get emails about every comment, I’m guessing because I’m the blogger/creator/whatever. But you still get notified each day of the new post? Because you signed up…somehow. Bwahhahaha. I’m so techie it’s a marvel. Snort.


    1. Yes, people that have clicked on the green follow button on the lower right side you will get daily notifications of each new review you post Kav. Followers making comments just need to avoid clicking those 2 boxes or they will get emails about every comment. I know this is a learning curve for anyone who hasn’t commented on a word press blog before but it will eventually work itself out 🙂

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  14. Thanks everyone, your comments make it even clearer. Yes Kav we’re all learning this new venture right along with you. Many thanks to those who have done it before and are helping us all.


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