He’s So Not My Valentine

Valentine’s Day should be outlawed. 

Here are a few fun facts about 
1. I do not love Valentine’s Day.
2. I love coffee.
3. I’ve never left the state of North Carolina.

I’m not complaining. I grew up in the quaint town of Harvest Hollow, met my charming husband, and had our amazing son here … That was before my “charming” ex-husband decided he needed to expand his horizons.

Since that time, I’ve been raising Nate alone, with the support of my family, and running Cataloochee Coffee like it’s my own business.

I’m not looking for romance–especially not at this time of year when everyone couples up in the name of a dead saint who happens to be the patron of lovers, epileptics and beekeepers.

When Rene Dubois comes from France to visit my sister and her husband, I obviously keep my distance. I don’t need his kisses to my cheeks, his flirty banter, or the way his bright green eyes make me feel flutters in my belly and tingles across my skin. I don’t do flutters or tingles. 

My sister keeps assuring me Rene is amazing and harmless. But she’s the dreamer in the family. Rene may be gorgeous, have a buttery French accent, and a charismatic personality. All I know is He’s so not my Valentine

My Review:

Fun and flirty and swoonable!

“Read Savannah Scott,” they said. “You’ll love her books,” they said. “They are so good,” they said…. And they weren’t wrong! This is my first Savannah Scott book, but it won’t be my last. I’d been hearing the chatter on instagram and book tube for a while and added the author’s name to my loooonnnnngggg ‘authors to try’ list and now, here I am, a puddle of melted goo because…

‘He’s So Not My Valentine’ is pure romance. Delectably delightful. Fainting couch necessary because Rene is……thud! Swoon! And repeat all the way through. 🙂 Now, there are kissing books and then there are KISSING books and this definitely fits into the latter category. Definitely a clean, sweet read but, oh la la, the romantic tension is divine!

Loved the banter and the heart to heart’s and the comedic moments that had me giggling until I dove back into a swan-dive swoon again because that Rene is such a charmer!

I enjoyed listening to the audio book narrated by Amanda Friday and Tyler Hyrchuk — great voice actors who delivered solid performances, breathing life into these fun, endearing characters.

My thanks to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op and the author for providing me with an audio copy of this book.

12 thoughts on “He’s So Not My Valentine”

  1. I’ve been seeing Savannah’s name floating around online too. After reading your review, I hopped over to amazon and saw this book is on KU so I downloaded it. I like a good romcom and liked this posted quote, haha,

    People should come with nutritional labels, only instead of protein, fat and calories, the labels would say integrity, thoughtfulness, sense of humor. Things like that.

    So I guess I’ll be squeezing this one into the lineup. Thanks for the review, Kav and happy reading weekend everyone!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hooray! Glad I could prompt you to venture over to KU. It really is a fun read. So many great lines like the one you mentioned. Perfect light-hearted romance for the summer! Happy Reading!


    1. Sweater Weather!!! That’s the series I kept hearing about and how I heard about Savannah Scott. Good. to know that book is just as good. I’d like the check out the other author in that series too. Thanks for jogging my memory. Happy Reading, Sandy!


  2. “He’s So Not My Valentine” sounds like a fun book. Thank you for the review. I’ve added it to my TBR list.

    2clowns at arkansas dot net

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