2024 Carol Award Finalists – Mystery/Suspense/Thriller + Giveaway

Photo by Rahul Pandit on Pexels.com

First off — what exactly are the Carol Awards?

They are awards given out by American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) in recognition of outstanding Christian fiction in the previous calendar year. So these 2024 finalists are books published in 2023. You might have read them already, you might not. I’ll include links to books I’ve read and reviewed.

Carol Award Winners will be announced on September 7 2024 at the ACFW Gala in New Orleans, Louisiana (wouldn’t you love to be there?!)

How does this giveaway work?

You select which of the Carol Award finalists 2024 —Mystery/Suspense/Thriller Category you would like to receive. Mention the title in your comment (or an email if you’re entering that way) and if you win, that’s the book that will be sent to you. Easy Peasy. 

Mystery/Suspense/Thriller Finalists

What Happens Next by Christina Suzann Nelson — Bethany House — Editors: Rochelle Gloege and Jennifer Veilleux — Winner’s Choice of paperback or ebook (or audible for Canada)

“Everyone has a story, and maybe everyone needs a little help toward healing.”

Popular podcaster and ex-reporter Faith Byrne made a name for herself telling stories of greatness after tragedy–but her real life does not mirror the stories she tells. While her daughters spend the summer in Hawaii with her ex-husband and his new wife, she must manage life on her own. All of that changes when she’s asked to spotlight her childhood best friend’s missing person case on her podcast.

Dora Crane has never accepted that her younger daughter could be dead, keeping her home looking the same as when her daughter disappeared. But when her husband leaves her and her older daughter intervenes, she agrees to counseling and to pack up her missing daughter’s belongings under one condition: Faith Byrne comes to Deep Valley and sheds light on the cold case.

As the long-abandoned investigation moves forward, old wounds and long-buried secrets are exposed. Will these two women, whose lives have never been the same, finally get the answers they need to reconcile the past and the future?

My Review: https://kavsbestreads.ca/2023/02/01/what-happens-next-giveaway/

Show Me Betrayal by Ellen E. Withers –– Scrivenings Press — Editors: Elena Hill and Susan Page Davis — ebook giveaway

Two deaths occur decades apart. Is it possible these deaths are related? What motivates a killer, who got away with murder sixty years ago, to kill again? Was it uncontrollable rage or the hope of silencing someone who fit all the puzzle pieces together and deduced who committed the crime? Set in the picturesque town of Mexico, Missouri, Show Me Betrayal takes flight in words and emotions of rich characters woven together into a story you won’t want to put down.

26 Below by Kimberley Woodhouse –– Kregel Publications — Editor: Janyre Tromp — Winner’s choice of paperback or ebook (or audible in Canada)

In her new role as Emergency Operations Center director for Fairbanks, Alaska, Darcie Phillips prevents disasters. But none of her training can prepare her for the terror that’s coming.

As a cybersecurity specialist, Jason Myers is determined to ferret out any threats to the town he now calls home–and that includes his reckless brother and his ecoterrorist friends.

When an old woman’s wild prediction–widespread destruction as soon as the Fairbanks temperature falls to 26 below–hits national headlines, neither Darcie nor Jason sees a real risk to anything but tourism.

Then the bodies start dropping.

Darcie is relying on her experience and intelligence to stop a killer; Jason is relying on God to guide the way. They’ll have to work together to find the truth and prevent their Alaskan town from becoming a city of nightmares. The first in a thrilling new suspense series from best-selling author Kimberley Woodhouse, 26 Below will delight fans of Lynnette Eason, Irene Hannon, and Lynn Blackburn.

39 thoughts on “2024 Carol Award Finalists – Mystery/Suspense/Thriller + Giveaway”

  1. If fortunate enough to be selected, I would love the opportunity to read and review WHAT HAPPENS NEXT by Christina Suzann Nelson. Sounds like a fabulous read and you just can’t go wrong when it’s recommended by Kav. 🙂

    Thank you for the chance to win a paperback copy.

    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have a copy of What Happens Next, but haven’t read it yet. I have never heard of Show Me Betrayal, but it sounds good, so put me down for that one.


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kav, I’ll go with 26 Below by Kimberley Woodhouse. It’s on my (very long) want-to-read list 🙂 Thanks!

    ckbarker at gmail dot com

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My choice is “What Happens Next” because I’ve read all of her books (except for the very first two) & love her writing! This one has been on my must-read list 😊

    teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What Happens Next would be my choice, thanks for the review, sounds like a good one.

    Paperback if picked, thanks.


    Liked by 1 person

  6. 26 Below and What Happens Next were both great reads. I’m not entering as I don’t read ebooks because of occular migraines but Show Me Betrayal sounds interesting. Blessings

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Goodness, Lucy, we even twin over why we don’t read ebooks. I just discovered that’s what’s causing my issues too. Shame because there are so many great deals for ebook readers but there’s nothing like holding a real live book in your hands…and easier on the eyes. Happy Reading, Lucy!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. What Happens Next is my choice. I lean toward paperbacks too. I put books in my kindle on my phone and think I will read them someday (because they’re there), but “number of pages left” seem to put me in a rush to finish rather reading to enjoy. Forget audiobooks for me. As of old “books on tape” ~ may be better today ~ my mind wandered and I’d have to go back and relisten until finally giving up. All that to say, I like a paperback in hand I can take with me to read when I am waiting somewhere 😘. Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House kathleen[ dot]e[dot]belongia[at]gmail[dot]com

    Liked by 1 person

  8. 26 Below is my choice! It sounds so cool(no pun intended 🤣)

    Also I love Kimberly Wood house so…

    thnx Kav!


    Liked by 1 person

  9. I’m a suspense lover, so I’m really not sure how I missed reading all of these! I’ll pick 26 Below by Kimberley Woodhouse and check my library for the rest. Thanks for pitting a spotlight in these titles!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Show Me Betrayal ‘s Cover in inviting. I’ve never read anything by this author before. Thanks for putting me name in for a chance at this novel.

    Thank you

    Nora finding hope at yahoo.com

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